The lawsuit that the shareholder requests the dissolution of the company is the formation of the law in substantive law. An important feature of the lawsuit is its statutory nature, that is, it can only be filed under the express provisions of law. The lawsuit for the dissolution of a shareholder by a shareholder shall be expressly provided for by the law, and the general stipulation in the company law is to maintain the law’s stability. Litigants and their right to form, the case brought by a lawsuit (the reasons for a complaint) must be provided for by law. The parties are not allowed to make their own decisions. Both the articles of association and the consensual agreements can not form the basis for petitioning the court. At the same time Neither the constitution nor the agreement shall deprive or restrict the shareholders’ right to request the dissolution of the company. The formation of the complaint, is to change the legal relationship of the complaint. The purpose of shareholders’ dissolution of the company is to pursue the effect of dissolving the company in substantive law. The decision of the court to dissolve the company is to form a judgment and be creative. When there are several claims, the court should handle it carefully. For example, when a shareholder sue a people’s court to dissolve a company, he often applies to the people’s court for liquidation of the company. There are actually two different types of litigation here. The nature of the petitioner’s request to dissolve the company belongs to the formation of litigation, the trial proceedings should be applied, and the nature of the petition for compulsory liquidation