第19个全国中小学生安全教育日主题活动在京举行 强化安全意识 提升安全素养

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3月31日,教育部、公安部、交通运输部、国家质检总局、国家安监总局、共青团中央、国务院妇儿工委办公室、中国地震局、国务院应急办等有关机构负责人在北京市海淀区上地实验小学共同举办了以“强化安全意识,提升安全素养”为主题的第19个全国中小学生安全教育日主题活动。各主办单位领导出席,教育部副部长、党组副书记杜玉波出席活动并同辽宁省盘山县师生在线互动。教育部副部长杜玉波说,保障孩子生命安全是教育工作的基础和前提,我们一方面要教育同学们从小注重培育提高安全素养,掌握安全知识,一方面也要求各地学校全面落实《中小学校岗位安全工作指 On March 31, heads of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Transport, AQSIQ, SAWS, Central Committee of Communist Youth League, Office of Women and Children Working Committee of the State Council, China Earthquake Administration, Emergency Office of the State Council, Haidian District Shangdi Experimental Primary School jointly held the theme activity of the “National Safety Education Day for Primary and Secondary Students in the 19th” with the theme of “strengthening safety awareness and improving safety literacy”. Leaders of the organizers attended the ceremony. Vice Minister of Education and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group Du Yubo attended the activity and interacted online with teachers and students in Panshan County, Liaoning Province. Du Yubo, vice minister of education, said that safeguarding the safety of children’s lives is the foundation and premise of education. On the one hand, we should educate our students to focus on nurturing and improving safety literacy and safety knowledge at an early age. On the one hand, we also require schools in all localities to fully implement the " Work means
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