西奥多·罗特克(Theodore Roethke,1908-1963)是美国当代诗坛上最具有独创性和影响力的诗人之一。虽然他在诗歌创作方面的成就不小,但他只是逐渐地被人们认识,并在死后才被大家全面认识。罗特克于1908年5月25日出生于密执安州的安吉瑙,祖籍德国。他对文学产生兴趣源于他13岁那年做的一次关于少年红十字会方面的演讲,他的演讲词被国际红十字会译成多种语言并在多国出版发行。之后,他开始大量地阅读爱默生和梭罗等人的经典作品。在密执安大学读书期间,他对语言和文学的兴趣越来越浓厚,并
Theodore Roethke (1908-1963) is one of the most original and influential poets in contemporary American poetry. Although his achievements in poetry are not small, but he was only gradually recognized by people, and only after we were fully aware of the death. Rotk was born on May 25, 1908 in Anjina, Michigan, and is a native of Germany. His interest in literature stems from a speech he made at the age of 13 on the Juvenile Red Cross, whose speech was translated into multiple languages by the International Committee of the Red Cross and published in many countries. After that, he began to read a lot of classics such as Emerson and Thoreau. During his studies at the University of Michigan, he became more interested in language and literature