新闻链接近日,劳动和社会保障部对52个省市区、5300多名外出务工人员进行调查,调查显示,今年外出务工者的月工资平均预期达到1100元;与此相对应的是,众多调查数据表明,应届大学毕业生对月薪的预期连年下跌,已降至1000元。新华社消息:近日,在福州人民会堂举办的一场针对农民工的大型招聘会上, 200多家企业提供了上万个岗位。但在招聘现场,少见农民工的身影,更多的却是大中专毕业生。“对于我们这样的中小企业,更需要的是有一技之长的熟练工人,学历并不重要,熟练的农民工比大中专学生更好用。”面对大量“屈就”而来的大学生,福州一家鞋厂的招聘人员如是说。
News Links Recently, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security conducted a survey of more than 5,300 migrant workers in 52 provinces and municipalities. The survey shows that the average monthly salary of migrant workers this year is expected to reach 1,100 yuan. Correspondingly, numerous investigations Data show that the expected college graduates on the monthly salary fell, has dropped to 1,000 yuan. Xinhua News Agency: Recently, more than 200 enterprises provided tens of thousands of jobs at a large-scale job fair for migrant workers held in Fuzhou People's Hall. However, in the recruitment site, rare migrant workers figure, more is a college graduates. “For such small and medium-sized enterprises like ours, what is more needed is skilled workers who are skilled and skilled. Education is not important, skilled migrant workers are better than college and college students.” In the face of a large number of “students”, Fuzhou, a Shoe factory recruiter said.