Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of TiO_2/conjugated polymer complex nanoparticles

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alanhoo
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A photocatalyst of nanometer TiO_2/conjugated polymer complex was successfully synthesized and characterized by spectro- scopic methods and photocatalytic experiments.The complex photocatalyst could be activated by absorbing both ultraviolet and visible light(λ=190-800 nm).Methylene blue(MB)could be degraded more efficiently on the complex photocatalyst than on the TiO_2 under natural light.The conjugated polymer played a promoting role in the photocatalytic degradation of MB.The calcination temperature had an important effect in degradation of dye and could be summarized as 260℃>300℃>340℃>220℃>180℃. A photocatalyst of nanometer TiO 2 / conjugated polymer complex was successfully synthesized and characterized by spectro-scopic methods and photocatalytic experiments. The complex photocatalyst could be be activated by absorbing both ultraviolet and visible light (λ = 190-800 nm) could be degraded more efficiently on the complex photocatalyst than on the TiO 2 under natural light. The conjugated polymer played a promoting role in the photocatalytic degradation of MB. The calcination temperature had an important effect in degradation of the dye and could be summarized as 260 ° C.> 300 ° C> 340 ° C> 220 ° C> 180 ° C.
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