
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaohonghe
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民族地区旅游文化校本课程案例资源开发,对于民族特色旅游文化传承及本土旅游人才培养具有重要意义。以开发学生感兴趣的民族旅游文化案例资源,充分挖掘旅游专业所需的案例资源,巧妙地挖掘新的有意义的动态民族旅游文化资源等方式,并采用课堂教学与课外实践相结合的形式,有助于更好地为民族区域培养旅游管理专业人才。 The development of the case-based curriculum of tourism culture in minority areas is of great significance to the inheritance and development of national characteristic tourism cultures and the cultivation of native tourism talents. In order to exploit the resources of ethnic tourism and culture which are of interest to students, fully tap the case resources needed for tourism specialty, and excavate new and meaningful dynamic national tourism and cultural resources, and adopt the combination of classroom teaching and extracurricular practices, Help to better train tourism management professionals for ethnic regions.