崔莺莺与张生的爱情故事在文人手中的传承,主 要经历了由元稹的《莺莺传》到董解元的《西厢记诸宫调》再到王实甫的《西厢记》三个阶 段。在这一传承过程中,由于加工者的身份、经历、所处时代背景及所采用的创作形式的不 同,使崔张故事有了几种不同的“讲法”,有了不同的接受群体。就是在这个不断的继承、 发展、创新的过程中,崔张故事的情节才得到进一步完善,其审美意义也一步步得到升 华。这对于我们今天的文艺创作仍具有重要的借鉴意义。
The inheritance of the love story of Cui Yingying and Zhang Sheng in the hands of the literati went through three stages of “The Story of Yingying” by Yuan Zhen to “The Story of the West Chamber” and Dong Shih-yuan’s “The West Chamber”. In this process of inheritance, there are several different “lectures” of Cui’s story and different acceptance groups due to the difference in the identity, experience, background of the times and the forms of creation used. It is in this continuous process of inheritance, development and innovation that the story of Cui Zhang’s story has been further perfected, and its aesthetic significance has been gradually sublimated. This is still an important reference for our literary creation today.