从20世纪开始全球化和大规模的移民使流散文学引人注目,特别是欧洲华人的流散文学引起了不少学者的关注。实际上早在后殖民主义理论浪潮兴起的中期,就有不少西方学者,如爱德华·赛义德(Edward Said)、霍米·巴巴(Homi Bhabha)和阿里夫·德里克(Arif Dirlik)等,对流散现象及流散写作进行了考察和研究,留下了一些经典的理论。本文就将运用后殖民主义的相关理论,通过对虹影《K》的讨论,来分析欧洲流散文学所体现的东方主义。
Since the 20th century, globalization and large-scale immigration have attracted the attention of the world. In particular, the diasporic literature of the Chinese in Europe has attracted the attention of many scholars. In fact, many Western scholars, such as Edward Said, Homi Bhabha and Arif Dirlik, were in fact in the middle of the post-colonial theory wave , The phenomenon of diaspora and diaspora writing were investigated and studied, leaving some classical theory. This article will use postcolonial theory to analyze the Orientalism reflected in the European literature on the flow of fluid through the discussion of “K”.