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弹指一挥间,从1977年恢复高考,至今已整整30年。风雨30年,高考的记忆随着时光的变迁而沉淀,变幻着不同的时代特征,书写着无数中国人的喜怒哀怨。30年来,对于千百万高考经历者来说,高考依然刻骨铭心:“如果没有邓小平,我现在还是个泥瓦匠”,“如果没有邓小平,我现在还是赤脚医生”,“高考为我的人生带来更多机遇”……说话者的身份在变,不变的是话中的追忆和感激。30年前,高考使一代中国读书人“乌鸡变凤凰”,命运轨迹发生重大转变;30年后的今天,高考依然左右着千百万年轻人的命运,但“大学生”的“名片”价值已是今非昔比,“一考定终生”的高考制度也开始受到人们的质疑。但是今天,我们依然感谢高考,崇信高考。因为,一个国家,需要建立必要的考试制度,以选拔人才,壮大国力;一个社会,需要为公民提供公平竞争的平台,帮助他们提高就业率;一个家庭,尤其是贫困家庭,更需要国家建立一种制度来为他们提供改变命运的机会……高考,在一如既往忠实履行着历史使命。而高考制度,也在人们善意的鞭策下,悄悄地进行着改变。 It took a full swing and resumed the college entrance examination from 1977. It has been a full 30 years. In the 30 years of wind and rain, the memory of the college entrance examination precipitated with the changes of time, changing the characteristics of different eras and writing the joys and sorrows of countless Chinese people. In the past 30 years, for the millions of college entrance examination experience, the college entrance examination is still unforgettable: “If Deng Xiaoping did not exist, I am still a mason”, “If not for Deng Xiaoping, I am still a barefoot doctor”, "The college entrance examination brings more to my life. More Opportunities... The identity of the speaker is changing. What remains is the recall and gratitude in the words. Thirty years ago, the college entrance examination made a major change in the destiny track of a generation of Chinese scholars, “Wuji changed the phoenix;” 30 years later, the college entrance examination still affects the fate of millions of young people, but the “business card” value of “college students” is already This is not the same as the past, the “one-study for a lifetime” college entrance examination system has also begun to be questioned by people. But today, we still thank the college entrance examination and Chongxin college entrance examination. Because a country needs to establish the necessary examination system to select talents and strengthen its national strength; a society needs to provide citizens with a platform for fair competition and help them increase the employment rate; a family, especially a poor family, needs a nation to establish a The system provides them with the opportunity to change their fate... The college entrance examination, as always, faithfully fulfilled its historic mission. The college entrance examination system also quietly changes under the whipping of people’s goodwill.
1964年 10 月 16日 15 时整,新疆罗布泊地区突然金光喷发,火球凌空,山呼海啸的巨响震撼大地,紧接着,云蒸霞蔚的蘑菇云腾空而起。中国自己设计制造的第一颗原子弹爆炸成功了! 消息传出,震撼了整
我志愿军入朝时正值严冬 ,因战局急需 ,部队携带御寒装备不足 ,衣着单薄的战士冒着严寒与装备优良的美军抗衡 ,给部队带来的困难是难以想像的。因而战伤、冻伤的人员很多 ,急
从政治主体的角度看,立宪主义者的“制度决定论”倾向是近代中国立宪政治失败的一个重要原因。它的突出表现就是关注宪政的工具合理性, 重视制度设计, 漠视宪政的结构性特征。其