默西绝对不是那种咄咄逼人的董事长,当他出现在《英才》记者面前接受采访时,给人的感觉就像是邻居家大叔刚吃过晚饭,然后过来推开门跟你拉家常。但是默西所掌管的印度信息系统技术公司(以下简称 Infosys 公司)在全球软件市场上却是锋芒毕露。1999年,Infosys公司在美国纳斯达克挂牌上市,它是印度第一家在此上市交易的公司。在随后的几年里,当全球大多数软件公司都处于水深火热之时,Infosys 公司的逆流而上却让纳斯达克股市的投资者心花怒放,到2003年时,销售收入增长至7.53亿美元,净收入将近1.95亿美元。
Mersey is definitely not the kind of aggressive chairman. When he appeared in front of “Talented” reporters, he felt as if he had just had dinner with his uncle, and then came to open the door to pull in with you. But India’s Messaging Systems Technology Corp. (hereafter referred to as Infosys), run by Mersey, is on the verge of losing ground in the global software market. In 1999, Infosys was listed on Nasdaq in the United States. It was the first company in India to trade on the market. In the ensuing years, when most software companies in the world were in dire straits, the influx of Infosys caught the investors in the Nasdaq Stock Market up to $ 753 million by 2003, Net income of nearly 195 million.