THE Tao FenNewsAwards andFan Changjiang News Awards areChinese national prizes given tomedia persons who makeoutstanding achievements. 1998 haswitnessed three women among thenine Tao Fen News Award winnersand two women among the 10 FanChangjiang News Award winners.The former are: Fan Rong of theLiaoning People’s BroadcastingStation; Zhang Kemei of the
THE Tao FenNewsAwards andFan Changjiang News Awards areChinese national prizes given to persons who makeoutstanding achievements. 1998 haswitnessed three women among thenine Tao Fen News Award winnersand two women among the 10 FanChangjiang News Award winners.The former are: Fan Rong of theLiaoning People’s BroadcastingStation; Zhang Kemei of the