封隔器卡堵水是常用的分层开采 (注水 )工艺技术 ,大体有 3种类型 :封上采下 ,封中间采上、下 ,封上下采中间。从近年实施情况看 ,有相当数量的油(水 )井卡封质量不理想 ,主要表现在施工作业成功率低 ,或卡封成功后有效期短。分析影响卡封质量的原因 ,主要有 3个 :一是定向井。
Packer card plugging water is commonly used in stratified mining (water) technology, there are generally three types: seal on the mining, sealing the middle of mining, the next, the closure of the middle and lower mining. Judging from the implementation in recent years, there is a considerable amount of oil (water) well card seal quality is not satisfactory, mainly in the success rate of construction operations is low, or card after the success of a short period of validity. Analysis of the reasons that affect the quality of the card, there are three main: First, directional wells.