自从埃及把苏彝士运河收归国有以后,英法殖民主义者勃然大怒,甚至于到了不能自持的地步。于是,我们中国人过去并不生疏的大腹便便、口衔雪茄、手执皮鞭、横眉竖目的洋老板的那种横相就活生生地来到人们的面前了。英国保守党副主席欣琴布鲁克说,作为对埃及的决定的回答,英国应当马上派遣军队重新占领苏彝士运河区。保守党人士福莱塞在报纸上叫得更响:应当“立即出兵”对付埃及,应当对埃及采取“军事行动、屠杀和消灭”! 执政的老爷们也撇开了绅士的尊严而露出了那种“草莾英雄”的本色,一言一行之间都闪烁着刀光剑影。连一向最是“温文尔雅”的外交部长们也没有例外。
Ever since Egypt turned the Su Yi Canal into state ownership, the British and French colonialists became so furious that they even reached the point where they could not support themselves. As a result, we Chinese people used to be unfamiliar with potbellied portraits, mouth cigars, hand-held whips, and brow-bearing foreign masters that kind of landscapes come to life vividly. British Deputy Conservatives Xinchen Brooke said in response to Egypt’s decision that Britain should immediately send troops to occupy the Su Yi Shi canal area. Conservatives Foley seized a louder voice in the newspapers: Egypt should be “immediately sent troops” to deal with Egypt, and “military actions, massacres and extermination” should be taken against Egypt. The ruling elders also set aside the gentleman’s dignity and exposed the “ Grass Heroes ”character, word and deed are flashing sword. Even the most “gentle” foreign ministers are no exception.