四月的京城并不平静,异常的天气让人感觉到暗潮涌动.新出台的415房市新政被称为中国政府对房地产业最为严厉的政策,疯狂上涨的中国房市顿时一片风声鹤唳.种种流言与猜想不断:人民币究竟该不该升值?中国楼市的泡沫会不会破裂?中国该不该加息?被誉为经济学先知的诺贝尔经济学奖获得者埃德蒙?费尔普斯踏上中国这片在他眼中充满挑战的土地.这位就业与增长理论的代表人物,现任美“,”Recently.Nobel Laureate Edmund Phelps,the“prophet of economics.”arrived in China,“a land full of challenges”in his eyes.Currently teaching at Columbia University. Phelps is a leading economist in the held of employment and growth theory. When interviewed by China Entrepreneur.Phelps pointed out that in the West, and especially in the U.S.,many economists saw the huge unfavorable balance of trade between the U.S.and China as a result of the low exchange rate of Yuan.He said that this explanation was short-sighted and missed out on the more profound reasons.To him.a simple appreciation of the Yuan won't help in reducing the unfavorable balance of trade.