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(一)家族宗派势力的干扰。部分村封建的家族宗派势力潜滋暗长,并逐渐形成一股社会力量,横行乡里,干扰村政,在一定程度上障碍了农村基层党组织建设。(二)村中多种遗留问题的重压。一些村由于社情复杂,历史遗留问题多而又长期得不到解决,使得村支部在众多遗留问题的重压下无法正常开展工作,往往是换了一位班子就压垮一位,哪一位也干不长。(三)村集体经济薄弱的困扰。部分村集体经济薄弱,致使村支部开展工作难,既不能按时完成各项工作任务,又不能为群众提供服务,从而上级领导不满意,下面群众不支持,造成村支部成员工作没信心,甚至摞挑子。(四)社会治安差的影响。部分村由于社会治安混乱,村风差,村支部成员缺乏安全感。(五)市场经济的冲击。受市场经济大潮的冲击,部分村支部班子成员公仆意识淡化,视村集体的事业而不顾,纷纷赶潮下海,弃“官”经商办企业。针对上述不良因素,应采取如下对策:一是加大宣传力度,实行正向引导,各级党组织要采取多种形式宣传党的路线方针和政策及国家有关法律法规,充分发挥好宣传舆论的导向作用,对家族宗派势力的组织 (A) the interference of the family sectarian forces. In some villages, feudal sectarian sectarian forces lurked in darkness and gradually formed a social force that ran rampant in villages and interfered with village and government, which hindered the construction of rural grass-roots party organizations to a certain extent. (B) the weight of the village a variety of legacy problems. In some villages, due to the complex social conditions and the long and unmanageable problems left over by history, the village branch can not work normally under the weight of numerous remaining problems. Often it is to change one team to overwhelm one and which one Do not do long. (C) village collective economy weakness troubled. In some villages, due to the weak collective economy, village subdivisions have difficulty in carrying out their work, failing to complete all tasks on time and failing to provide services to the masses. As a result, the leaders at the higher levels are not satisfied with the masses and do not support the subordinates. Pick the child. (D) the impact of poor social security. In some villages, because of the disorder of social order and the poor village experience, members of the village branch lacked a sense of security. (E) the impact of market economy. Under the impact of the tide of market economy, the awareness of the public servants in some of the village branch teams has been weakened, regardless of the business of the collective village, and many enterprises have been overtaken by the sea and abandoned. In response to the above-mentioned adverse factors, the following countermeasures should be taken: First, intensify propaganda efforts and implement positive guidance; and Party organizations at all levels should adopt various guidelines and policies on the party’s line and related laws and regulations of the country and give full play to public opinion The guiding role of the family sectarian forces organization
设计了一种新型摆线两螺杆泵,同现在普遍使用的摆线三螺杆果相比较,有单级接触线长度小,容积效率高,螺杆的抗弯刚度大,传动性能好等优点。 A new type of cycloidal two screw pu
我们这代人,从小被灌输教育,成为一种“单向度的人”。因此,我内心深处总隐藏着叛逆。每逢读到一本独树一帜的书,总是发愤忘食,每每有会意,便欣欣然。所以,当我读到高尔泰的《寻找家园》时,我就想大声地说:这就是我想要读的书!  高尔泰是画家、美学家,《寻找家园》是他带自传性的一本文集。从孩提时代家乡的美好,到流放西北,在鬼门关附近徘徊的经历,高尔泰娓娓叙来,惊心动魄。这本《寻找家园》是高先生回忆录的前两