对酸处理后注蜡和注胶的翡翠(B 货),漫反射红外傅里叶交换(DRIFT)光谱法是一个有用的非破坏的识别手段。因此,DRIFT 光谱法可用来鉴别天然的未经处理的翡翠与打蜡翡翠(A 货)。DRIFT 光谱中表现出的强吸收峰可用于检测胶和蜡的存在。利用 DRIFT 光谱法对10个翡翠样品进行综合研究,结果表明,其中一些翡翠样品已经过了酸处理、注蜡或注胶处理。该研究结果已被基础宝石学测试和 X 射线光电子分光光度法(XPS)检测所证实,并可与类似的傅里叶变换红外(FTIR)透射光谱法研究结果进行对比。通过对比,发现 DRIFT 光谱法在检测很厚(厚度大于12 mm)的翡翠样品和较薄的、但不透过红外光的 A 货时更具优势。同时也更适用于检测罕见的全包镶的翡翠首饰。
Refined wax and gelled emerald (B), acid-treated diffuse reflectance Fourier Transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy is a useful nondestructive identification tool. Therefore, DRIFT spectroscopy can be used to identify natural untreated emerald and waxed emeralds. The strong absorption peaks shown in the DRIFT spectrum can be used to detect the presence of gums and waxes. A total of 10 emerald samples were investigated by DRIFT spectroscopy. The results showed that some of the jade samples were acid-treated, waxed or gel-injected. The results of this study have been confirmed by basic gemmological testing and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and can be compared with similar FTIR transmission spectroscopy findings. By comparison, DRIFT spectroscopy was found to be superior in detecting very thick emerald samples (greater than 12 mm in thickness) and thinner, but not IR-infusible, A-items. Also more suitable for detecting rare all-inclusive inlaid jade jewelry.