1 概况 1969年3月,柳钢又一座年生产能力12万吨的轧钢厂在鹊山脚下建成投产。26年来,中型厂在不断地自我完善和稳步发展。特别是改革开放以来,中轧人高举“科学技术是第一生产力”这一旗帜,发扬坚韧不拔、团结拼搏、不断创优的精神,内抓管理挖潜,外抓开放促市场.使企业综合管理水平和产品竞争能力得到不断增强。1994年,中型厂钢材产量达17.33万吨,达产率140%,合格率
1 Overview In March 1969, Liuzhou Iron and Steel and another annual production capacity of 120,000 tons of rolling mill at the foot of Queshan put into operation. In the past 26 years, medium-sized factories are continuously improving themselves and developing steadily. Since the reform and opening up, in particular, China Central Iron and Steel Holding People held high the banner of “science and technology is the primary productive force”, promoting the spirit of perseverance, unity and hard work, and constantly creating excellence. Enterprise comprehensive management and product competitiveness has been continuously enhanced. In 1994, medium-sized steel plant output reached 173,300 tons, up to 140% yield, pass rate