In recent years, the probabilistic description methods of ground motions have gradually attracted the attention of researchers. Some methods have been adopted for earthquake-resistance regulations in countries such as the United States and Canada. China is currently compiling seismic hazard zoning maps with probabilistic significance. The probabilistic description of ground motions has led to and promoted the development of structural seismic design to dynamic reliability design. At present, the dynamic reliability design method has been adopted in the seismic design of civil-industrial structures, but it is rarely used in foundations and earth-rock dams. One important reason for the limitation is the lack of simple and effective calculation of large volume and non-linear foundations or Random seismic response method for earth-rock dams. In the past, there were few calculations for the random seismic response of foundations and earth-rock dams. The linear analysis models used mainly, while some used the equivalent linearization method for approximate calculation, had to introduce many restrictions.