In view of the promotion of the use of organic arsenic as a herbicide in forestry in recent years, and the safety of such compounds and the threshold for excretion from human body, the five healthy young men who were exposed to coca-arsenate were observed. Two months of urine arsenic, blood arsenic and clinical manifestations. Five workers had no skin, gut, neuropsychiatric, or blood-related diseases before they were exposed to coca-arsenic. Weekly exposure to cro-arsenic acid was 23.7 hours on average and 817 grams per person per week exposure (dry weight). Wear protective clothing when working. During the two months, blood arsenic and 24-hour urine arsenic were tested weekly. At the end of the work, the physical examinations, laboratory tests and inquiries were again conducted and no abnormalities were found. Five other workers without exposure to cocaine were selected as controls.