说什么也不能回去当杀手了。杀手想,他心中充满了对小晴的歉疚感。但除了杀手还能当什么呢?杀手最大的本事就是逃命,请问这个世界有专门逃命的职业吗?他是一名杀手,却不擅长杀人。当雇主派人来抓他的时候,杀手正和女友小晴在便利店里吃泡Chapter 1·逃命吧,杀手面。当时,小晴嘟起嘴将一根面条吸进嘴里,问他:“一定要搬去南城吗?”杀手突然伸手把她的脑袋往桌子上一按,同时一颗子弹从她后脑勺上方三厘米处飞过。来者何人,杀手心中有数。他收了雇主的钱,却没有把事情办好。只是没想到对方会来得这么快。
I can not go back to be a killer when I say anything. Killer think, his heart full of feelings of guilt for Xiao Qing. But what other than a killer can do? Killer’s greatest ability is to escape, does this world have a special escape career? He is a killer, but not good at killing. When an employer sends someone to arrest him, the killer is eating his girlfriend Xiao Qing in a convenience store. At that time, Xiao Qing pouted a noodle into his mouth and asked him: “Must move to the South?” Killer suddenly reached out and put her head on the table by a press, while a bullet from her back Three centimeters above the fly. Who come, killer heart. He received the employer’s money, but did not get things done. Just did not expect the other side will come so fast.