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《地图》杂志大量刊登地图与历史、地理、旅游、地名、文化、经济建设等相联系的内容 ,兼顾普及与提高 ,强调雅俗共赏、图文并茂 ,内容具有知识性、趣味性、可读性。办好《地图》,需要大家的了解和支持 ,在这里特向大家介绍《地图》杂志开设的若干栏目 ,欢迎读者踊跃投稿 ,并提 The magazine publishes a large number of maps related to history, geography, tourism, geographical names, culture and economic construction. It takes into account the popularization and enhancement of the map, emphasizes the tastes of both refined and popular tastes, and has illustrated and illustrated contents. The content is informative, interesting and readable. To do a good job of “map”, we need everyone’s understanding and support, here we introduce to you a number of sections of the “Map” magazine, welcome readers enthusiastic submission and mention
A new high voltage trench lateral double-diffused metal-oxide semiconductor (LDMOS) with ultra-low specific onresistance (R on,sp ) is proposed. The structure f
在过去几十年中 ,如果说我们对美国东部的地震过程有什么认识的话 ,那就是这个地区的断层与地震之间的关系不是那么简单。大概每个月都会有人向我打听其住宅附近 ,或他们听说
A broadband negative refractive index metamaterial based on a windmill-like structure is proposed, and investigated numerically and experimentally at the microw
水文及水资源 河道汇流计算方法研究·················································,··············
一、前言 1983年10月上旬与中旬汉江连续两次出现秋季大洪水,其中上旬洪水为建国以来的最大洪水,丹江口水利枢纽最大入库流量达34200秒立米,按水库未建的情况推算,坝址处最