在枪击案发生之后,围绕着这场血腥屠杀,美国社会——尤其是南方各州,再次对是否在公开场合保留带有种族主义色彩的“联邦旗(Confederate fl ag)”展开讨论。当地时间7月10日上午,随着美国南卡罗来纳州首府哥伦比亚市州议会大楼前飘扬了50多年的联邦旗降下,查尔斯顿黑人教堂9位成员命丧于谋杀案之后再起波澜的这场斗争,也就此告一段落。联邦旗是19世纪美国内战期间代表南方军队的旗帜,多年以来,联邦旗代表着的“南方骄傲”思想一直没有熄灭,也被广泛看做是种族主义的标
After the shooting, around this bloody massacre, American society, especially in the southern states, once again discussed whether or not to keep a “racist” Confederate fl ag in public. Local time On the morning of July 10, with the fight over the more than 50-year federal flag flying in front of the State Capitol in Columbia, the capital of the state of South Carolina, and the revival of nine members of the Charleston Black Church following the murder, Also come to an end. The federal flag is the banner of the South Army during the American Civil War in the 19th century. For many years, the “South Proudness” ideology represented by the federal flag has never ceased and has also been widely regarded as a sign of racism