中国科学院院长周光召7月21日向乐秀海授予“中国科学院有突出贡献科技企业家称号”,颁发了奖章,并奖励人民币十万元,以表彰乐秀海为发展中国科学院高技术产业所作出的卓越贡献。 乐秀海是中科院上海技术物理所与日方合资的上海尼赛拉传感器有限公司的中方经理。该公司自1987年开业以来,各项经济指标均列中国科学院企业的前茅。该公司每年将税后利润的80%反回投资方。公司的资产开办时只有320万元外汇人民币。到1992年
Zhou Guangzhao, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, granted Le Xiuhai the title of “Technical Entrepreneur with Outstanding Contribution to the Chinese Academy of Sciences” on July 21st, awarded a medal and rewarded RMB 100,000 for the recognition of Le Xiuhai for the development of high-tech industry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The outstanding contribution. Le Xiuhai is the Chinese manager of Shanghai Nicarax Sensor Co., Ltd., a joint venture between the Shanghai Institute of Technology and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Japan. Since the company’s opening in 1987, various economic indicators have ranked among the top companies in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The company returns 80% of its after-tax profits annually to investors. When the company’s assets were opened, only 3.2 million yuan was used to exchange renminbi. By 1992