Textual Research on the July 7,1590 A. D. Southeastern Yongjing Earthquake in Gansu Province

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sweetmeimei
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According to historical records,in July of 1590 A.D.,a destructive earthquake occurred near Lintao county in Gansu Province,in which “… city walls and houses collapsed,and countless people and domestic animals were killed”.In the same month,Binggou town in eastern Qinghai Province(now northeastern Ledu county),was also damaged by an earthquake.These two earthquakes were listed as two different cases in the published earthquake catalogues,recorded separately as the Lintao M_S5.5 earthquake with epicentral intensity Ⅶ in Gansu Province and the Ledu M_S5.0 earthquake with epicentral intensity Ⅵ in Qinghai Province.However,based on comprehensive analysis of research on historical records and field investigations,it is concluded in this paper that these two earthquakes could be the same one with magnitude 6.5 and epicentral intensity Ⅷ~Ⅸ.Its epicenter was in the Maxian Mt.,which is located in southeastern Yongjing and its seismogenic structure might be the mid-western segments of the north fringe fault zone of Maxian Mt.of Lanzhou. According to historical records, in July of 1590 AD, a destructive crime occurred near Lintao county in Gansu Province, in which “” ... city walls and houses collapsed, and countless people and domestic animals were killed ". In the same month, Binggou town in eastern Qinghai Province (now northeastern Ledu county), was also damaged by an earthquake. These two earthquakes were listed as two different cases in the published earthquake catalogs, recorded separately as the Lintao M_S5.5 earthquake with epicentral intensity VII in Gansu Province and the Ledu M_S5.0 earthquake with epicentral intensity Ⅵ in Qinghai Province. Hosted on comprehensive analysis of research on historical records and field investigations, it is concluded in this paper that these two earthquakes could be the same one with magnitude 6.5 and epicentral Intensity Ⅷ ~ Ⅸ. Its epicenter was in the Maxian Mt., which is located in southeastern Yongjing and its seismogenic structure might be the mid-western segments of the north fringe fault zone of Maxian Mt. of Lanzhou.
优雅的姿态,运动的气势,它是奔驰,也是AMG,重要的是,这两者都和谐的统一在一个画面上。没有什么不可能,鱼和熊掌不能兼得,只是如何平衡的问题。对于C63 AMG,既要传承奔驰品牌