熊式一翻译创作的英语剧《王宝川》(Lady Precious Stream),曾经于20世纪30年代轰动西方,在伦敦西区戏剧中心连续3年公演近900场。1936年,又到大西洋彼岸,在纽约百老汇和其他各地上演,首开百老汇华人创作和导演的先河,成为一段佳话。1956年,熊式一亲自将英语剧翻译成中文,在香港出版并公演。《王宝川》成功的主要原因,与熊式一本人的语言文化功力有关。熊式一对中英两种语言驾驭自如,熟谙中西文化的特陛,并且对中西戏剧的表现手法有较深的理解,这一系列的条件,促成了《王宝川》的出色的翻译创作。本文就首幕中雪景诗的翻译创作以及剧中其它个别内容进行讨论,以此窥探熊式一的翻译技巧和特点。
The Lady Precious Stream, a translation of Bear’s first translation, used to hit the West in the 1930s and nearly 900 in three consecutive years at the West End Theater in London. In 1936, on the other side of the Atlantic, he performed on Broadway in New York City and elsewhere and opened the door to the creation and director of the Broadway Chinese, becoming a story. In 1956, Bears first translated the English drama into Chinese, published and staged in Hong Kong. The main reason for the success of “Wang Baochuan” is related to the language and cultural skill of Bear himself. The pair of Chinese and English bears the power to master the unique style of Chinese and Western cultures and has a deep understanding of the ways of expressing Chinese and Western dramas. The series of conditions contributed to the excellent translation of “Wang Baochuan”. This article discusses the first translation of the snow scene poetry creation and other elements of the play to explore the translation skills and characteristics of the bear-one.