总参谋部是现代军事的产物。在古代战争或战斗中,军队的指挥往往由统帅或战场指挥员一个人承担。实际上,军事统帅常常是司令员和参谋长一身而二任的。以古代名相诸葛亮而言,初出茅庐的时候,他是摇着鹅毛扇的参谋长,到后来六出祁山,他已是三军统帅,但仍然履行看总参谋长调兵遣将的职责。 解放战争中的解放军总参谋部,是由抗日战争年代的中央军委作战部发展而来的,是数百万解放军的指挥机关。作者走访了解放战争时期总部的几位老参谋,并研究其他历史资料后写成了此文。
General Staff is the product of modern military. In ancient wars or battles, the command of the army was often borne by the commander or field commander. In fact, military commanders are often replaced by commanders and chief of staff. To the ancient name of Zhuge Liang, when fledgling, he is shaking the goose feather fan chief of staff, and later Qishan six, he is commander in chief of the armed forces, but still perform the task of looking at the Chief of General Staff deployment. The People’s Liberation Army General Staff Headquarters during the War of Liberation was developed by the Central Military Commission’s Operations Department in the era of the Anti-Japanese War and the command organ of millions of People’s Liberation Army. The author visited a number of veterans at the headquarters of the Liberation War and wrote this article after studying other historical sources.