自从Bchcet氏于1937年报告了一组以复发性口腔炎、生殖器溃疡和眼色素层炎为主的综合征以来,世界各地已有不少报告,其中以地中海沿岸、阿拉伯国家和日本的发病率较高,我国也有不少报道,有人称之为口、眼、生殖器综合征。我院自1965年至1980年共收治了3例,其中1例因反复发作共住院15次,病程长达15年之久。现将我院收治的病例报告如下: 典型病例冼××,女,37岁,已婚,病历号369893。患者于1980年5月27日开始发热,畏光、视远物模糊,舌刺痛到当地卫生院诊治,按“上呼吸道炎”处理未见好转,5月30日出现尿频、尿痛及腹泻粘液大便每日2~3次,伴下腹及阴部疼痛难忍,经当地
Since Bchcet’s report of a group of syndromes mainly recurrent stomatitis, genital ulcers and uveitis in 1937, there have been many reports from all over the world, including the incidence of the Mediterranean coast, Arab countries and Japan Higher, there are many reports in our country, some people call it mouth, eye and genital syndrome. Our hospital from 1965 to 1980 were treated in 3 cases, of which 1 case of recurrent total of 15 hospitalizations, duration of up to 15 years. Reported cases of our hospital are as follows: Typical cases Xian × ×, female, 37 years old, married, medical record number 369893. Patients started fever, photophobia, blurred vision, and tingling to local hospitals for treatment on May 27, 1980. The treatment according to “upper respiratory tract inflammation” did not improve. On May 30, there was frequent urination, dysuria and diarrhea Mucus stool 2 or 3 times a day, with lower abdominal and genital pain unbearable, by the local