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编辑工作具有悠久的历史,编辑工作的产生大大早于情报工作.然而,情报工作产生以后,发展相当迅速,至本世纪60年代,即已形成情报学科.当然,情报工作和情报学的发展有历史原因和现实条件:一方面,“情报爆炸”成为情报事业发展的动因;另一方面,社会发展,特别是战争的需要促进了情报事业的发展;再则,“三论”的创立,计算机的发明,为情报学建立提供了理论依据和技术手段.总结其发展迅速的经验,最重要的一点,就是十分注意吸收和借鉴现代科学技术的发明发现成果,当前,计算机技术、控制论方法在情报工作中得到广泛运用.编辑学建立缓慢固然与编辑工作的经验总结不足有关,然而,编辑工作的经验是始终在积累着的,其中相当一部分隐含在编辑的产物——文献之中,只有少部分被记载在编辑著述中,有待我们去发掘.其二,编辑学固然没有建立学科较好的社会机遇,甚至有人产生“编辑无用”的思想,但机遇有客观因素,也是事在人为.目前,“文献爆炸”成为一个严重的社会问题,但编辑工作只考虑多出书,而没有考虑如何通过编辑工作来克服“文献爆炸”的危机.当前抓住这一点,对于发挥编辑工作的社会功能,尤有十分重要的现实 Editing has a long history and editorial work occurred much earlier than intelligence work.However, intelligence work has been developed very rapidly, and by the 1960s, it has formed an information science course.Of course, the development of intelligence work and information science has On the one hand, the “explosion of intelligence” has become the motivation for the development of the intelligence undertaking; on the other hand, the need for social development, especially the war, has promoted the development of the intelligence undertaking. On the other hand, the establishment of the “Three Theory”, the computer Of the invention for the establishment of information science provides a theoretical basis and technical means summary of its rapid development experience, the most important point is that great attention to absorb and learn from the findings of modern science and technology invention, the current computer technology, cybernetic approach in However, the experience of editorial work is always accumulated, a considerable part of which is implicit in the editorial product - the literature, and only A small part is recorded in the editorial work, pending us to explore. Second, editorial school, of course, did not establish a better subject society Opportunities, and even some people have the idea of ​​“editorial uselessness”, but there are objective and opportunistic opportunities.At present, the “Literature Bombing” has become a serious social problem, but the editorial work only considers more books without considering how to go through editorial work To overcome the crisis of “literature explosion.” At present, grasping this point is a very important reality for exerting the social function of editorial work
学霸简介 杨舒雯,高中就读于上海市新中高级中学,2013年高考成绩为文科492分(上海市高考文科满分为600分),数学131分(全市最高分为134分),现就读于南开大学文学院汉语言文学专业。  中学名片 上海市新中高级中学是上海市一所现代化寄宿制的新型学校,2005年,该校被市教委命名为“上海市实验性示范性高中”。近十年来,该校高考本科升学率一直保持在90%以上。2014年高考,该校本科上线率为9
南宋著名词人辛弃疾,一生佳作不断,广为后人传颂。其能在文坛取得如此成就绝对不是偶然,是虚心好学、不耻下问的结果。  1204年3月,辛弃疾到镇江做知府。镇江,在历史上曾是英雄用武和建功立业之地,此时却成了与金人对垒的第二道防线。他登临京口北固亭时,触景生情,不胜感慨,写下了《南乡子·登京口北固亭有怀》。写完之后,立刻被当时的文人奉为神作,更有人把这篇作品谱上曲子吟唱。  同年8月辛弃疾邀请友人吃饭
积极行为支持(Positive behavior support)起源于20世纪80年代末90年代初的美国。它的基本涵义是以功能性行为评估技术为基础来设计积极行为支持干预策略的一套技术和方法,通
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