1991年朱镕基上任国务院副总理后,曾有一场小小的“破三铁”运动,即“打破干部的铁交椅,打破员工的铁饭碗,打破分配上的铁工资”。 1998年3月,朱镕基众望所归高票当选共和国第五任总理。在记者招待会上,年近七旬的他思路缜密连贯,以“一个确保、三个到位、五项改革”的施政纲领,系统地勾勒出一幅向改革纵深挺进的行动地图。然而,亚洲金融危机的时间之长出人意料,印尼的排华骚乱出人意料,日本不负责任地贬值日元出入意
After Zhu Rongji took office as deputy premier of the State Council in 1991, there was a trivial movement to “break the three railways”, namely, “breaking the cadre’s iron chair and breaking down the employees’ iron rice bowl and breaking the iron wages in distribution.” In March 1998, Zhu Rongji welcomed the election as the fifth prime minister of the Republic. At the press conference, he was nearly seventy years of thought in a coherent manner. He systematically outlined a map of action that advanced in depth toward the reform with an “one sure, three in place and five reformed” policy agenda. However, the time of the Asian financial crisis has been unexpectedly long. Surprisingly, the Indonesian government’s troubled Chinese government riots. Japan has irresponsibly devaluated the yen.