“自撤式止轮器”已通过铁道部太原运输管理干部学院,太原分局及太原科研所等单位联合组织的鉴定。 该“自撤式止轮器”设计新颖、结构合理、性能可靠,其止轮器体与标志牌采用球形万向铰接安装结构,当停留车辆驶离时,可自动翻离钢轨,标志牌也自行旋转90°而与地面平行,呈不显示状态,从而有效地防止了溜车或因忘撤铁鞋而造成的压鞋脱轨、
“Self-withdrawing wheel stop” has passed the appraisal of the joint organization of Taiyuan Institute of Transportation Management, Taiyuan Branch and Taiyuan Research Institute. The “self-withdrawing wheel stopper” has the advantages of novel design, reasonable structure and reliable performance. The stop body and the sign plate adopt a spherical universal joint installation structure, and can automatically turn away from the rail when leaving the vehicle and the signboard is also Rotate 90 ° on their own and parallel with the ground, showing no state, thus effectively preventing the rolling shoe or because of forgotten iron shoe derailment caused by pressure shoes,