Thermogravimetry was used to study the non-isothermal decompos ition ki netics and the stability of porphyrin copper-sodium from ephedra. The kin etic eq uation for the second step can be expressed as dα/(dT)=Ae -E αRT3/2(1-α) 4/3/[(1-α) -1/3-1 ] . The kinetic compensation effect is found to be : lnA=0.2468E a-8.0 513. E a is 206.61 kJ/mol. The results show that porphyrin copper-so dium has a high activation energy and good stability.
Thermogravimetry was used to study the non-isothermal decomposion ki netics and the stability of porphyrin copper-sodium from ephedra. The kin etic eq uation for the second step can be expressed as dα / (dT) = Ae -E αRT3 / 2 ( 1-α) 4/3 / [(1-α) -1 / 3-1] The kinetic compensation effect is found to: lnA = 0.2468E a-8.0 513. E a is 206.61 kJ / mol. The results show that porphyrin copper-so dium has a high activation energy and good stability.