诗歌鉴赏题是近年来全国各地高考卷中的必考题。这类题主观性强, 所涉及的知识面广,着重考查考生文学鉴赏的能力。许多考生面对诗歌鉴赏题往往无所适从,不知如何下手。为此,本期特组织了四篇文章,以期为大家从容应对提供帮助。
The poetry appreciation question is a must-have item in the college entrance examination volume in recent years. This type of subjectiveness is subjective and involves a wide range of knowledge. It focuses on the examinee’s ability to appreciate literature. Many candidates are often at a loss as to how to deal with poetry. To this end, four articles have been specially organized in the current period in order to provide help for everyone.