穆罕默德·尤努斯!2008年诺贝尔和平奖得主!就是他在那年把世界的目光吸引到了孟加拉。事隔三年之后,我终于有机会能踏上这片土地,来到了拥有1400万人口的孟加拉国首都达卡。那几天的达卡,街头巷尾都能看到带着坚定目光的青年曼德拉的肖像,城市的喧闹丝毫没有减弱画面中传达的曼德拉渴求自由的那种力度。这张黑白肖像是在达卡举行的CHOBI MELA摄影节主题展的海报。而这次摄影节的主题是:自由。
Muhammad Yunus! The 2008 Nobel peace laureate! That year, he had drawn the world’s attention to Bangladesh. After a lapse of three years, I finally had the chance to set foot on this land and come to Dhaka, the Bangladeshi capital with a population of 14 million. During the days of Dhaka, the portrait of young Mandela, with a firm look, can be seen in the streets and lanes. The urban noises have in no way diminished the intensity of the desire for freedom that Mandela conveyed in the picture. This black and white portrait is a poster of the theme show at the CHOBI MELA Photo Festival in Dhaka. The theme of this festival is: Freedom.