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研究了铁粉温压压坯在真空和氢气中的烧结行为。压制铁粉时,粉末温度为110℃,模具温度为80~100℃。烧结时,压坯于室温装炉,升温速度为2.5℃/min。烧结温度分别为1100℃1150℃和1250℃。实验发现,不同温度下真空烧结1h和氢气中烧结1h,与压坯密度相比较烧结密度都降低,生坯密度越高,烧结密度下降越多。测量了真空或氢气中低温预烧结前后压坯重量和体积变化和不同预烧结制度对应的最终烧结密度,发现经真空预烧结后的压坯在1250℃真空烧结,可有效地提高温压压坯的烧结密度。实验表明,烧结铁的密度是温压及烧结两个过程综合作用的结果。在选择温压温度和方式时,有必要考虑温压压坯的烧结行为。 The sintering behavior of hot pressing of iron powder in vacuum and hydrogen was studied. When iron powder is pressed, the powder temperature is 110 ° C and the mold temperature is 80 to 100 ° C. During sintering, the green compact was charged at room temperature and the heating rate was 2.5 ° C / min. Sintering temperatures were 1100 ° C at 1150 ° C and 1250 ° C, respectively. It was found that sintering at 1 h in vacuum and 1 h in hydrogen at different temperatures reduced the sintered density compared with that of green compact, and the higher the green density, the more the sintered density decreased. The changes of the weight and volume of the green compact before and after low temperature pre-sintering in vacuum or hydrogen and the final sintering density corresponding to different pre-sintering systems were measured. It was found that the green compact sintered at 1250 ℃ can be effectively sintered under vacuum, The sintering density. Experiments show that the density of sintered iron is the result of the combined effect of temperature and pressure and sintering. In the choice of temperature and temperature methods and methods, it is necessary to consider the temperature and pressure sintering of green compacts.
第一章 总 则$$第一条 为加强对公共游泳场所的管理,保障游泳人员的健康和安全,促进全民健身运动的开展,根据有关法律、法规规定,结合本省实际,制定本办法。$$第二条 本办法适用于
目的明确胃Cajal间质细胞(interstitial cells of cajal,ICC)在糖尿病大鼠胃轻瘫中的作用.方法用链尿佐菌素建立大鼠糖尿病模型,3个月后测定胃排空速率,对胃窦组织进行透射电