班主任是一个班的教育者和组织者,是协调各方面教育影响的负责人,是学校领导进行教导工作的得力助手。选择配备好班主任,帮助提高班主任的水平,是学校领导工作的重要一环。 怎样选择配备好班主任呢? 总的来说,要选择思想品德好、教学水平高、工作能力强、热爱学生、在学生中有威信的教师当班主任。在配备班主任时,要用其所长,避其所短;立足当前,着眼长远;全面安排,统筹兼顾;合理搭配,
The head teacher is the educator and organizer of a class. He is the person in charge of coordinating the influence of various aspects of education and is the right assistant for school leaders to conduct teaching work. Choosing a well-qualified head teacher to help improve the level of the head teacher is an important part of the school’s leadership. How to choose a good teacher in charge? Overall, we must choose teachers with good moral character, high teaching level, strong working ability, love of students, and prestige among students. When equipped with headteachers, they must use their strengths to avoid shortcomings; take a long-term perspective on the current situation; make overall plans and make overall plans;