220kV金周双回改造,电网供电可靠性降低,运行风险增加。为了确保电网安全稳定运行及出现异常情况能迅速正确处理,隆城220 kV变电站、木兰220 kV变电站面临着严峻的保电任务。值长等一行4人一路北上,前往木兰220 kV变电站,这是他们为期一周保电工作的开始。到达木兰站后,他们打开红
220kV Jinzha double-circuit transformation, reducing the reliability of power supply network, increasing operational risk. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power grid and the abnormal situation can be correctly and quickly dealt with, the Longcheng 220 kV Substation and Mulan 220 kV Substation are facing severe power-saving tasks. The value of a line of 4 people all the way north, to Mulan 220 kV substation, which is their week-long work on the start of power. After reaching Mulan Station, they opened the red