近年来定型组合钢模板在工业和民用建筑工程中较为广泛地被采用。我处从1981年起在某桥修建中首次大量地用定型组合钢模取代了历来贯用的木模。它不但以钢代木节约了大量的木材,而且使用方便,经济效果良好。现将有关情况作一介绍。一、定型组合钢模简介: 我处使用的是第十六冶金建筑安装公司生产的定型组合钢模板。它有各种型号的单块模板和连接构件,(详表1,见照片1、2)可用连接构件把单块模板连接拼装成工程所需的形状和尺寸。
In recent years, stereotypes combination of steel formwork in the industrial and civil construction projects are more widely used. Since 1981, it has been the first time since 1981 that a large number of fixed-pattern steel molds have been replaced in the construction of a bridge to replace the wood molds that have traditionally been used. Not only does it save a lot of wood with steel, it is easy to use and has good economic effect. Now the situation for an introduction. First, the stereotypical combination of steel profile: I am using the 16th Metallurgical Building Installation Company production of stereotypes combined steel template. It has various types of single-block formwork and connection components (see Table 1 for details, see photos 1 and 2). The connecting pieces can be used to connect the single formwork to the shape and size of the project.