根据国家对高校教师考核的有关规定 ,总结我国部分高校和本校教师科研工作量考核的管理经验 ,结合高校体育教师科研工作的特点和实际情况 ,讨论分析高校体育教师科研工作时考核的计分内容、计分标准和计分方法 ,对不同级别的研究成果和科研项目进行量化管理 ,使高校体育教师的科研工作考核更趋科学化、合理化和制度化。
According to the state regulations on the examination of university teachers, this paper summarizes the management experience of research workload of some colleges and universities teachers in our country, combined with the characteristics and actual conditions of scientific research work of physical education teachers in colleges and universities to discuss and analyze the scoring contents , Scoring standards and scoring methods, the different levels of research results and scientific research projects for quantitative management, so that college physical education teachers scientific research more scientific, rational and institutionalized.