这一期,我们开辟了“创新论坛’专栏,为大家提供一个切磋认识、升华理论、交流经验的阵地。 江泽民同志十分强调创新。他说,创新是民族进步的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是政党永葆生机的源泉。“十五”计划纲要把改革开放和科技进步置于发展动力的位置上,可见没有创新,发展就没有动力。而改革要突破影响生产力发展的体制性障碍,科教要走出殿堂与经济紧密结合,所有这些没有创新,自我束缚于成规和本本,也便失去了动力,不可能办到。纵观历史,横看现实,大凡发展无不源于创新。
During this period, we have opened up an “innovation forum” column, providing everyone with a position to learn from each other’s knowledge, sublimation theory and exchange of experiences.Jiang Zemin attaches great importance to innovation.He said that innovation is the soul of national progress and the prosperity of a country. The power of reform is also the source for the political parties to maintain their vitality. "Outline of the 10th Five-Year Plan Putting Reform and Opening Up and Scientific and Technological Advances at the Position of Impetus for Development, It can be seen that there is no impetus without innovation and development, and the reform must break through the institutionalism that affects the development of the productive forces Obstacles, science and education should go out of the temple and closely integrated with the economy, all of which are not innovative, self-restraint in the rules and books, they have lost their motivation, impossible to do .According to history, horizontal reality, generally all from innovation.