(一)综合防治的发展 叶坪公社东升大队,地处瑞金县城郊。二十三个生产队,六百七十一户,三千九百六十七人,男女劳力一千三百三十七个。集体耕地面积二千一百六十六亩,其中早稻一千二百七十亩,晚稻五百零七亩。自然条件比较好。主要作物有水稻、甘蔗、花生等。在毛主席革命路线指引下,东升大队干群深入开展“农业学大寨”群众运动,科学种田水平不断提高,农业生产连年上升。 可是,由于刘少奇、林彪反革命修正主义路线的干扰和破坏,在防病灭虫上,推行“重治轻防”、“重洋轻土” 的错误做法,单纯依赖化学农药治虫,天敌被杀死,农业投资一年比一年增大,病虫害不但没有被消灭,反而有逐年加重的趋势。每年病虫为害
(A) the development of comprehensive prevention and control Ye Ping commune Dongsheng brigade, is located in the suburbs of Ruijin County. Twenty-three production teams, 671 and 3,970, and a total of 1,337 men and women of labor. The total area of collective cultivated land is 2,166 mu, of which 1,207 mu is for early rice and 5007 mu for late rice. Natural conditions are better. The main crops are rice, sugar cane, peanuts and so on. Guided by Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, the officers and men of the Dongsheng brigade conducted a mass movement of “learning from agriculture in Dazhai,” continuously raising the level of scientific farming and raising the level of agricultural production year after year. However, due to the interference and destruction caused by the counter-revolutionary revisionist line of Liu Shao-chi and Lin Biao, the erroneous practice of “remediation of light anti-defenses” and “sequestration of light oceans and soil” Investment increased year by year, pests and diseases have not been destroyed, but increased year by year trend. Diseases and pests every year