近年来害鼠数量增多,为害猖獗,已成为农业生产的主要灾害之一,其为害所造成的损失甚至超过病虫害。鼠害问题已引起各有关部门的重视,并列入植保工作的范畴。 1986年上半年,我站在高市、莲洲、埠前、禾川镇、东里等乡镇分别取点开展了农田鼠情调查;3~4月间,在省农科院植保所的大力协助下,以调查鼠情的五个乡镇为示范区进行大面积投药灭鼠,取得了一定成效。现简要概述如下。
In recent years, the number of pest rats has increased and the damage has become rampant. It has become one of the major disasters in agricultural production. The damage caused by pests even exceeds pests and diseases. Rodent problems have aroused the attention of all relevant departments and included in the scope of plant protection work. In the first half of 1986, I stood in the high market, Lianzhou, Buqian, Hechuan, Dongli and other villages and towns were taken to investigate the farmland rodent; 3 to 4 months, the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences plant protection vigorously With the help of the five villages and towns to investigate the situation of rodent as a model area for large-scale administration of rodent control, and achieved some success. Now briefly summarized below.