《伤寒论》小柴胡汤之煎法,原书强调去滓再煎,但后世医家多不遵其原说,包括现行全国高中等《方剂学》教材,亦明确指出,小柴胡汤的现代用法为:水煎二次,分二次温服。此与仲景本意相悖,致使方药作用不能充分发挥,影响了临床疗效。 方药的制遣及煎服法是由病证而决定的。《伤寒论》98条谓:“伤寒五六日,中风,往来寒热,胸胁苦满,嘿嘿不欲饮食,
The Xiaochaihu Decoction of the “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” method emphasizes the deterrence of decocting, but later generations of doctors do not comply with the original saying, including the current national high-medium “Fangxueology” textbook, also clearly pointed out the modern usage of Xiaochaihu Decoction. For: decoction two times, sub-second warm clothes. This is contrary to the concept of Zhongjing, resulting in the prescription drug can not be fully played, affecting the clinical efficacy. The preparation and decoction methods of prescriptions are determined by the medical certificates. The 98 articles on Treatise on Febrile Diseases say: "Five or six days of typhoid fever, stroke, cold and heat, chest and fullness, and no desire to eat,