与香港一衣带水的深圳自然是香港乒乓球爱好者活跃的舞台。几位香港朋友同我打球,得知我是《乒乓世界》特约记者,盛情约我采访乒乓界前辈、前香港名手徐祥龄先生。 一个灿烂的午后,我如约来到深圳市公证处乒乓球室,两张球台激战正酣。我注意到左边球台上深圳的业余高手正与一位满头银发、精神矍铄的老者对打,那一定是徐祥龄先生了吧。出于裁判的职业习惯,我给他们计分,不一会儿,连续几位深圳高手车轮迎战徐先生,居然都败下阵来。我不禁暗暗称奇,心中赞叹徐先生宝刀不老、球技高超。
Shenzhen, a strip of water with Hong Kong, is an active stage for Hong Kong table tennis fans. A few Hong Kong friends played with me and learned that I was a special correspondent for the “Ping Pang World”. I was very passionate about interviewing the predecessors of the Ping Pong community and former Mr. Xu Xiangling from Hong Kong. A brilliant afternoon, I came to the Shenzhen City Notary Office ping-pong room, two clubs fighting in full swing. I noticed that the amateur in Shenzhen on the left side of the table is playing against an old man with a silver hair and a spirited spirit. It must have been Mr. Xu Xiangling. Out of the referee’s professional habits, I give them a score, and soon, a few consecutive Shenzhen master against Mr. Xu, actually all defeated. I can not help but secretly surprised, amazed in mind Xu knife is not old, superb skills.