
来源 :辽宁教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JACK910680
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一、现象描述:在封闭的囚笼里迷失方向这是一次话题作文———由大自然中“冰化了”这一现象,你能联想到什么?这一现象又可以引发你怎样的思考?请以《冰化了》为话题,将你的所思所想写出来。本是较为开放的一次自由表达,本应是个体生命的一次率性释放,尽管教师习作前进行了富有针对性的指导,再三强调要大胆写出自己的想法,表达自己的理解,但是,结果仍让人失望。鲜见几个孩子完全挣脱传统的沉疴,砸碎封闭的囚笼,大胆表达属于自己的想象与思考。如,由“冰化了” First, the phenomenon description: lost in a closed cage direction This is a topic composition - by nature “ice” What can you think of this phenomenon can lead you again Thinking? Please “ice” as a topic, write your thoughts and thoughts. This is a more open and free expression. It should have been a rate-based release of individual life. Although teachers conducted targeted guidance before their exercise, they repeatedly emphasized that they should boldly write their own thoughts and express their own understandings. However, as a result Still disappointing. Few of the few children completely break away from the traditional sinkhills, smashed closed cage, bold expression of their own imagination and thinking. For example, by “ice”