患者男,20岁。因反复鼻出血、发烧7天于1992年11月30日入院。该患1992年11月24日始无诱因反复出现鼻出血,每日2~4次,每次出血量约100ml,不能自行止血,每次均需鼻腔填塞。伴发烧,体温波动于38℃~40℃之间。于11月28日又相继出现轻度头痛,腰痛。否认外伤史,以前无类似病史,生活在EHF 疫区。体检:T36.6℃,P84次/分,R20次/分,BP18/13kPa。神清,无醉酒貌,结膜轻度充血,前胸皮肤可见数个散在针尖大小出血点。浅表淋巴结未触及肿大。鼻腔检查:鼻中隔居中,双鼻腔粘膜充血明显,散在出血点,余未见异常。心肺未发现异常,肝脾肋下未触及,双肾区叩击痛(+)。实验室:血红蛋白:95g/L,红细胞:3.30×10~(12)/L,白细胞:26.3×10~9/L,中性:0.58,淋巴:0.42,血小板:
Patient male, 20 years old. Due to repeated epistaxis, fever 7 days in November 30, 1992 admission. The patient suffering from recurrent nasal bleeding 24 hours a day on November 24, 1992, 2 to 4 times a day, each bleeding about 100ml, can not stop bleeding on their own, each need nasal packing. With fever, body temperature fluctuations between 38 ℃ ~ 40 ℃. On November 28 and they have mild headache, back pain. Denied the history of trauma, before no similar history, living in EHF epidemic. Physical examination: T36.6 ℃, P84 times / min, R20 times / min, BP18 / 13kPa. Delicate, no drunken appearance, conjunctival mild hyperemia, a few scattered in the chest skin size tip bleeding. Superficial lymph nodes did not touch swollen. Nasal examination: nasal septum, double nasal mucosal congestion was obvious, scattered bleeding point, I no abnormalities. Heart and lung were not found abnormalities, ribs did not reach the liver and spleen, perineal area percussion pain (+). Laboratory: hemoglobin: 95g / L, red blood cells: 3.30 × 10-12 / L, white blood cells: 26.3 × 10 ~ 9 / L, neutral: 0.58, lymph: 0.42,