This article assumes that water is an incompressible ideal fluid, water is continuous with the surface of the dam surface and the surface of the river bed, fluids move at small amplitudes, and surface wave effects are ignored. Only the acceleration-induced seismic disturbance in the horizontal direction is considered. In the first part of this paper, for the non-upright rigid dam surface, using the variational method of relaxation boundary conditions, the series solution of the optimal combination state of the Laplace equation for the hydrodynamic pressure is found. In principle, an arbitrary geometric shape is given. Method for hydrodynamic pressure of dam surface. For the two-dimensional problem of slashed and folded line dam sections, a simpler calculation formula was deduced. This paper presents the deviation formula for the quantitative convergence of the approximate solution of the sign series to the exact value. In the second part of this paper, in the calculation of the discretization of the interaction between the elastic deformation of the dam and the hydrodynamic pressure, the solution to the influence matrix of the hydrodynamic pressure is proposed. It is proposed that the extension of the upstream of the reservoir is very long, and elastic mechanics and limited structural mechanics can be cited. The substructure methods in meta-analysis are all basic concepts, and the waters are divided into several sub-waters for joint solution. For the case of dams with semi-infinite rectangles, we propose two methods: “finite difference-finite element joint solution” and “analysis-finite element joint solution.” In this way, the number of unknown elements in the discretization calculation is reduced, the storage is saved in the computer operation, and the efficiency is improved.