建设过硬班子 加快企业发展

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党的十四届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于加强党的建设几个重大问题的决定》,深刻阐明了在当前社会主义现代化建设中加强党的组织建设、思想建设和作风建设的重要意义.回顾几年来所走过的历程,我们深切感到,建设一个过硬的领导班子,是加快企业发展的关键.几年来,我们本着“突出特点抓机遇,着眼建设上台阶”的工作思路,坚持步调一致,团结奋进,不断强化领导班子建设,一年一个台阶,促进了企业两个文明建设的同步发展.在1992、1993年连续被局党委评为好班子的基础上.1994年,生产经营再创历史最好水平,共完成投资1.2亿元,全员劳动生产率达15.1万元,综合经济效益比1993年增加3倍.安全生产连续实现3209天,工程质量创国优2项、部优4项、局优11项,荣获总公司“五比”劳动竞赛优胜奖.1992年和1994年分别荣获省级文明单位和最佳文明单位称号. The “Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues in Strengthening Party Building”, which was passed at the Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party, profoundly expounded the significance of strengthening party building, ideological and work style building in the current socialist modernization drive Looking back at the course we have come through in the past few years, we deeply feel that building an excellent leadership team is the key to accelerating the development of the enterprise. In the past few years, we have adhered to the work train of thought that focuses on distinguishing features, grasping the construction to an upper level, Step by step, and forge ahead in unity, continue to strengthen the building of the leading group, one step a year, and promote the simultaneous development of two civilizations in the enterprise in 1992 and 1993 on the basis of continuous bureau by the party committee as a good team in 1994, production and management A record high of RMB1.2 billion with a total labor productivity of 151,000 yuan and an increase of three times in overall economic efficiency compared with 1993. The safety production achieved 3209 days in succession and the project quality achieved 2 outstanding achievements in the home country. 4, Bureau of excellent 11, won the company “five ratio” labor competition winners in 1992 and 1994 were awarded the provincial civilized unit and the best civilized unit title.