长期以来,我国经济工作的“最高原则”是“以国有经济为主体”。但是,据《中国统计年鉴》称;从1978年至1995年,在全国工业总产值中,国有工业所占比重已经由77.6%下降到33.9%;在社会商品零售总额中,国有商业所占比重则由54.6%降至29.8%。1996年、1997年大体上也是继续朝着同一方向发展,工商业的三分天下,非国有经济雄踞其二,已是一个不可否认的事实。至于农业领域,从来就是非国有制经济的天下,那就不用说了。 为什么人们呼唤的是国有经济为主而得到的却是非国有经济为主呢?这就是客观规律作用的结果。
For a long time, the “supreme principle” in our economic work is “taking the state-owned economy as the mainstay.” However, according to the China Statistical Yearbook, from 1978 to 1995, the share of state-owned industries in the country’s total industrial output dropped from 77.6% to 33.9%. Among the total retail sales of social goods, the share of state-owned commerce From 54.6% to 29.8%. It is an undeniable fact that both 1996 and 1997 are generally continuing to move in the same direction. The third of the world’s commerce and industry and the non-state economy dominate. Needless to say, agriculture has always been a non-state-owned economy. Why do people call for the state-owned economy to be predominantly non-state-owned? This is the result of objective laws.