THE hinterland city of Qufu insouthwestern Shandong Prov-ince has made its name as anhonored historical and culturalresort in China, not least for being thebirthplace of Confucius. Confucianism, the
摘 要:该文综述了马齿苋黄酮的提取方法、总黄酮活性及黄酮中的单体成分,分析了马齿苋黄酮研究方面存在的不足。 关键词:马齿苋黄酮;提取;药理活性;马齿苋黄酮单体 中图分类号 R944.2+7 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-7731(2019)01-0030-04 Portulaca oleracea L. flavone:A Review of Extract and Pharm
Chinese people are showing an unprecedented enthusiasm for sport in this post-Olympic era. Since September 2009, many of the world’s top sporting contests were fought on Chinese soil, including the Wo