In Others' Words——The Use of Quotations in Qian Zhongshu's Comparative Method

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In his masterpiece Guan Zhui Bian 管锥编,Chinese scholar Qian Zhongshu 钱锺书(1910—1998) quotes from more than two thousand Western sources and from even more Chinese ones.In this and in other comparative literature works that will be mentioned in this article,like Tan Yi Lu 谈艺录 or Qi Zhui Ji 七缀集,Qian Zhongshu writes about many different themes choosing a subject and demonstrating how different authors in different epochs have treated it and which is the logical pattern those authors adopted to bring out that idea and develop it.The particularity of this method is that Qian doesn’t explain in his own words what others have said,but prefers to use utterances and expressions directly extracted from the original texts.Which is the use of quotations in Qian Zhongshu’s works? Why is he constantly borrowing others’ words to develop and dissect a theme? Why is Qian’s comparative literature not comparative literature “in the usual sense of the term?”~①This article will try to propose an answer to those questions,and through the analysis of the different usages of quotations in selected passages from Qian Zhongshu’s scholarly and creative works,will trace an outline of a method that might bring great advantages to the study of literature in a global context. Quotes from more than two thousand Western sources and from even more Chinese ones. In this and in other comparative literature works that will be mentioned in this article, like Tan Yi Lu 艺 录 or or Qi Zhui Ji 七 缀 集, Qian Zhongshu writes about many different themes a subject and demonstrating how different authors in different epochs have treated it and which is the logical pattern those authors adopted to bring out that idea and develop it.The particularity of this method is that Qian does not explain in his own words what others have said, but prefers to use utterances and expressions directly extracted from the original texts.Which is the use of quotations in Qian Why is he often borrowing others’ words to develop and dissect a theme? Why is Qian’s comparative literature not comparative literature “in the usual sense of the term? ” ~ ①This article will try to propose an answer to those questions, and through the analysis of the different usages of quotations in selected passages from Qian Zhongshu’s scholarly and creative works, will trace an outline of a method that might bring great advantages to the study of literature in a global context.
为何一拖再拖? 从欢呼到等待,燃油税的出台再次成为疑问。 1999年11月1日,修改后的《公路法》正式实施,扫清了道路车辆“费改税”的法律障碍。此后燃油税呼之欲出的说法不断
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